Jose Maria

Research Fellow, MS

Doctoral Programme at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
Tampere University of Technology (TUT)

Kauppi Campus - TAYS
jose.perez-macias :) tuni fi

My now page

check My NOW page


For an overview of my proffesional background here is my LinkedIn. For a more detailed CV ask me for my CV in pdf.

In 2002 I finished Music Examinations Degree in Piano, in the Conservatory of Valladolid (Spain). In the last years I really ejoyed playing Chamber Music (Piano trios, duos, quartets) and the Choir, things that I keep doing at different rates at the moment. I started Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Valladolid; in 2009 I completed an M.Sc. in Telecommunications Eng. (UEM, Madrid). Between 2007-2009 I lived in Sweden, and completed an M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering in 2009 (Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg), respectively. In 2009 I worked six months as an intern in the Medical Signal Processing Group at Phillips–Aachen. where I worked with thoracic BiomImpedance in the FP7 MyHeart project framework.

I started a job in a multinational called Mach Connectivity GmbH (acquired by Syniverse) as an implementation Engineer and Service Manager. I switched to Biomedical again, and started as a developer / researcher in eHealth, at the Zentrum für Telematik e.V. (Germany). We were in the early design of a project for the design of a home dialysis infrastructure for Fresenius Medical Care.

In 2011-2012 I was a fellow at the University of Valladolid, in the Group of Biomedical Engineering in Magnetoencephalography (MEG). I held a position as a researcher in the Personal Health Informatics group in Tampere University of Technology (Finland). During this time, I collaborated at PROTOMO (Start-up incubator in Tampere), shorty at WERK1 (Start-up incubator in Munich), and some additional collaborations.

I have been working in HUAWEI developing wearable prototypes in Helsinki Concept Lab, I worked in sleep algorithms, testing photoplethysmography algorithms, sensor technologies, etc. (more details in my LinkedIn). I briefly worked with Neuro Events Labs Oy detecting breathing using video, for epilepsy detection.

I have worked in Emfit Ltd. a placed where I always wanted to work. Mainly doing algorithms for real-time snoring detection, atrial fibrilation, and in charge of two EU project.

I am Ph.D. candidate position as a fellow at Tampere University, Finland, and currently looking for a job opening. So if you read this, write me.


The topic of my doctoral thesis is centered on sleep, unobtrusive sensors and mattress sensors (such as Beddit, Emfit (eletromechanical film transducer) mattres , Fitbit, Firstbeat, raw accelerometers, etc.). The thesis proposes several state-of-the-art methods for detecting snoring, breathing efforts, breathing patterns, and heart rate detection algorithms.

Research Projects

Community projects

  • locally-informed: this is the only community project I have participated back in 2020. Updating information from Finland.

Hobby Audio / Sound projects

  • Spatial sound and Sound Synthesis using Csound: This is a super old project done in Csound about Spatial Sound and sound synthesis, from an old course of "Sound and Wave Engineering back in 2003/2004 with my super-cool classmate Ariana. It is funny to see how much interest I still have in Sound, Biosignals...1D signals/timeseries. Still remember Richard Boulanger!! The project was about using Csound, documenting it. And finally we created two examples made by ourselves. The original site is still on! but does not work properly in moder html... so I made a some changes and put it here. Old page... it is in this link from the Image Processing Laboratory (LPI-UVa) here.
  • Sound localization:

    Here is the link to the Github Project. In short the project is a bout Sound source Localization using an eigth-microphone Array (UMA-8 from MiniDSP).



  1. S. Friman, A. Vehkaoja and J. M. Perez-Macias. The Use of Wrist EMG Increases the PPG Heart Rate Accuracy in Smartwatches, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 24, pp. 24197-24204, 15 Dec.15, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3219297
  2. Detection of snores using source separation on an Emfit signal JM Perez-Macias, M Tenhunen, A Värri, SL Himanen, J Viik. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  3. Spectral analysis of snoring events from an Emfit mattress. JM Perez-Macias, J Viik, A Varri, SL Himanen, M TenhunenPhysiological measurement 37 (12), 2130 3 2016
  4. Snoring detection with emfit sleep mattress. JM Perez-Macias, SL Himanen, J Viik, M TenhunenJOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 25, 159-160 2016
  5. The use of crowdsourcing for dietary self-monitoring: crowdsourced ratings of food pictures are comparable to ratings by trained observers. GM Turner-McGrievy, EE Helander, K Kaipainen, JM Perez-Macias, ...Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (e1), e112-e119 9 2014
  6. Spectral changes in spontaneous MEG activity across the lifespan. C Gómez, JM Pérez-Macías, J Poza, A Fernández, R HorneroJournal of neural engineering 10 (6), 066006 10 2013


  1. Heart pulse demodulation from Emfit mattress sensor using spectral and source separation techniques.. JM Perez-Macias, M Tenhunen, A Värri, SL Himanen, J Viik. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC)
  2. Time characteristics of prolonged partial obstruction periods using an Emfit mattress. JM Perez-Macias, J Viik, A Värri, SL Himanen, M Tenhunen EMBEC & NBC 2017, 775-778 2017
  3. Detection and Assessment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing with Emfit Mattress. M Tenhunen, J Hyttinen, J Viik, JM Perez-Macias, SL HimanenEMBEC & NBC 2017, 173-176 2017
  4. Assessment of support vector machines and convolutional neural networks to detect snoring using Emfit mattress
    Jose M. Perez-Macias, Sharath Adavanne, Jari Viik, Alpo Värri, Sari-Leena Himanen, and Mirja Tenhunen, The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2017) (old draft here)
  5. Comparative assessment of sleep quality estimates using home monitoring technology. JM Perez-Macias, H Jimison, I Korhonen, M PavelEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 Annual ... 9 2014
  6. Sleep monitoring data validation using a linear discriminant classifier. JM Perez-Macias, M Pavel, I Korhonen, H Jimison7th annual Canadian Student Conference on Biomedical Computing and ... 2014

Honors & Awards

  • Nokia Award 2017
  • Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Scholarship awards 2015, 2016, 2017
  • University of Valladolid Fellowship 2011–2015
  • Erasmus Scholarship award for studying at Chalmers School of Technology (2007)



Research Grants

    Organizing scientific activities

    • Best MSc and PhD thesis 2024 Ceremony (event organizer)
    • Best MSc and PhD thesis 2023 Ceremony (event organizer)

    Invited Journal reviewer

    • NPJ digital Medicine - Nature (since 2020)
    • IEEE sensors Journal - IEEE (since 2023)
    • Biomedical physics & engineering express - IOP Publishing (since 2024)
    • Measurement Science and Technology - IOP Publishing (since 2024)

    Invited Conference reviewer

    • EMBEC17, NBC17


    Random Projects

    Comsol Simulation of a Neuron

    This project was part of a course I took in TUT where I simulated a neuron using the FitzHugh-Naguno model

    TimeLapse with a Raspberry Pi

    This is a timelapse from my house. Note how everything is already dark (winter in Finland), but also, how the goods are arriving to Sale (a supermarket). Gym (GoGo), is opening a bit before 6:00am. It was fun to set it up... I might put the code up (it is rather simple) when I find some time.You can see the super-dupper simple code in my Github. What can I say, sometimes things are that simple. The video was put together using Photoshop.



    A great project using a Raspberry Pi (link). This is my personal webserver, hosting this project where you can upload music and add effects from PureData. The server is at home, so it might not always work (for now). This was part of a project from MediaServices with members Carita Logrén, Enrico Manuzzato, Jose Maria Perez-Macias, and Ugur Kar. I also leave some .wav files for testing since I remember they needed to have an specific sampling rate.

    File1, File2, File3

    Watering my plants when I am away


    Hoping to stop killing my plants when I go on holiday (soon to be uploaded). I basically have a basic script in a RaspBerry Pi for the lights. I bought some special medical pumps to water them and control the doses, but has proven a bit more complicated than that.


    This is a game for kids. Developed in Meteor. It can be used on the phone, or iPad, as long it is not a very old iPad (iPad 1) because it becomes very slow (soon to be uploaded on a server).

    Microcontroller House alarm with Keypad

    Project from back in 2006 usign an Intel Microcontroller Github Link

    Bus ticket Project

    My first program in C++ (with my classmate Alberto Leon), we got an awesome grade! It is a bus ticket software to buy tickets to different destinations. Using Linked Lists and OO programing. Github Link

    Wireless sensor monitor

    Realtime Control

    Me and a colleage developed a wireless sensor monitor that is deployed in TUT, pretty cool honestly (soon to be uploaded, well maybe not so soon). Programmed in C. These were the same guys as

    Real Time Control

    Realtime Control

    This is a realtime control using a realtime operating system (Xenomai) me and my classmate developed (Github Link). In Chalmers, they were developing leading research to solve a problem of control over networks (nowadays everything is a network).

    Csound 2003/2004

    Sound localization

    This is a super old project done in Csound about Sound of Localization, from an old course of "Sound and Wave Engineering back in 2003/2004. It is funny to see how much interest I still have in Sound, Biosignals...1D signals/timeseries. Still remember Richard Boulanger!!
    The project was about using Csound, documenting it. And finally we created two examples made by ourselves.
    The original site is still on! but does not work properly in moder html... so I made a some changes and put it here.
    Old page... it is here.

    Sound localization

    Project from Advanced Audio Processing


    Other projects

    I have been working on different projects as a copywriter, and also another one more dedicated to divulation.

    This one is about sensors and promoting sensors. There is also a project of educating and reference material for the public based on research. Sensor Salud

    This other was meant to promote what it another, but a bit abbandoned at the moment. Sleep Coaching and Research