Go back to .. Jose Maria Perez-Macias

Breathing Disorders - Breathing Efforts Project


This project focuses on analyzing breathing disorders and associated respiratory efforts using non-invasive mattress sensors.


Respiratory effort monitoring during sleep has traditionally required invasive methods, such as esophageal pressure monitoring via catheter, making it uncomfortable for patients. Recent advancements in contactless sensor technology, like the Emfit electromechanical film transducer, provide a less invasive alternative for measuring respiratory effort, snoring, and other sleep-related issues.


This study explores the use of the Emfit mattress sensor to detect increased breathing efforts by analyzing spectral data and identifying characteristic patterns like spiking, which indicates increased respiratory effort. The non-invasive nature and effectiveness of mattress-type sensors make them a promising tool for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) screening.


Applying spectral analysis and pattern recognition techniques to EMFiT sensor data, focusing on distinguishing normal breathing from increased respiratory efforts.


Preliminary findings indicate that non-invasive mattress-type sensors can effectively identify increased respiratory efforts and support early detection of breathing disorders.


The study produced the following outputs

  1. Time characteristics of prolonged partial obstruction periods using an Emfit mattres. JM Perez-Macias, J Viik, A Varri, SL Himanen, M TenhunenPhysiological measurement 37 (12), 2130 3 2016